education ecosystem
D2L Partners with ReadSpeaker and YuJa Panorama to Better Support Learners
Toronto, (CA), July 2024 - D2L, a global learning technology company, has introduced the D2L Accessibility Bundle, a partnership package to help expand the D2L Brightspace education ecosystem and better support the needs of users with diverse abilities.
Robots’ Roles in Education and Training
Holon (IL), October 2019 - Social robots are becoming useful parts of the education ecosystem. They are equipped with multimodal interaction capabilities and, equally important, have a physical presence. The session "Exploring Human-Robot Interaction and Robot Roles in Education and Training" on Thursday, 28 November, from 14.30 to 15.30 will increase your awareness about various training and educational oriented applications of humanoid robots. Gila Kurtz, Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Israel, answered some current questions on the topic.