City of Anaheim Selects Meridian LMS for Employee Training
Reston, VA (USA), May 2019 - Meridian Knowledge Solutions has announced that the City of Anaheim, home to more than 358,000 residents and 20,000 businesses and destination for more than 25 million annual visitors in southern California, has selected Meridian LMS as its centralized learning for more than 3,000 municipal employees.
The City of Anaheim was searching for a modern, cloud-based solution to replace its dated homegrown training infrastructure, which was no longer able to keep up with evolving training demands.
"Among our critical goals are to increase employee engagement and encourage career growth through training," said Lori Schnaider, Organizational Development and Training Manager for the City of Anaheim. "With Meridian, our staff members can plan for career development and actively track their training progress toward meeting their career goals."
The City of Anaheim also cited access to better reporting and analytics; bundled career-based curriculums; and the ability to provide management with insight into employees' status along their learning journey as key reasons for selecting Meridian LMS.
"Cities and states are facing sharply increased levels of worker retirement over the next five years," said Patrick Devlin, Chief Business Development Officer at Meridian. "With Meridian LMS, public- sector organizations can develop their workforce to fill positions of retiring staff, provide employees with insights for career growth, and assure continuity of essential services."