Engineering Education

Structuralia's Study Unveils Top Trends

Madrid (E), June 2024 - Structuralia, a leader in specialized training, has unveiled a groundbreaking study pinpointing six pivotal trends shaping the future of industry. The report highlights a surge in demand for professionals skilled in building information modeling (BIM); the accelerating pace of digital transformation within organizations; a robust wave of sustainability initiatives; and the critical role of efficient management in driving economic growth.

This comprehensive analysis sets a new benchmark for understanding the evolving landscape and underscores Structuralia's commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in the field.

The digitalisation of organisations, together with the need to analyse large volumes of data to make strategic decisions, have encouraged postgraduate studies in big data and business analytics.

The wave of sustainability and the government’s interest in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions to reduce the impact of climate change in order to meet the objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, have increased the demand for masters degrees in energy efficiency and clean energy.

The advances of the digital transformation are revolutionising all sectors of the economy, generating the need for companies to adapt quickly to new technologies in order to remain competitive. In order to respond to this need, professionals are increasingly being recruited with solid skills in artificial intelligence and big data, tools that are at the forefront of innovation and whose implementation is key to improving processes, products, and services in sectors such as health, finance, and manufacturing, among others.

The efficient management of organisations in an increasingly digitalised environment also requires leaders trained in new methodologies and technologies. At this point, MBAs in business management and engineering and construction project management have become very popular. "Infrastructure is key to the country's development and training in project management helps to ensure that projects are executed efficiently and effectively," says Cuartero.

Economic growth, leveraged by the implementation of infrastructure projects, is leading to the fact that postgraduate degrees in subjects such as clean energy are growing at an accelerated pace. This context has led to a boom in masters degrees in civil engineering and renewable energies, especially given the country's need to build modern and sustainable infrastructure.

The study further identified the top five most sought degrees, which are pivotal in today's technologically driven world.

  • Disaster risk management emerges as a critical field, equipping professionals with the expertise to mitigate risks from natural and human-induced disasters. Juan Antonio highlights the degree's role in fostering resilient communities amid escalating environmental and societal challenges.
  • Cybersecurity stands as a vital specialization, with Cuartero noting the escalating demand for experts capable of safeguarding digital infrastructures and sensitive information. The curriculum not only covers defensive tactics and risk reduction, but also emphasizes the creation of comprehensive security policies.
  • Project management is increasingly valued, particularly in the infrastructure domain, where a blend of technical acumen and project leadership is essential for ascending to managerial roles. Artificial intelligence offers an in-depth education that blends theoretical knowledge with practical application, preparing professionals to harness AI in real-world scenarios, as underscored by Juan Antonio.
  • Lastly, the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy program addresses the shift towards a sustainable energy paradigm, encompassing key considerations for energy optimization and renewable integration. Cuartero remarks on the global acclaim for these degrees, attributing their popularity to the synergy of labor market demands, technological progression, and the economic impetus for highly skilled professionals.

The strongest growth in supply is concentrated in masters degrees related to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills. In fact, according to the World Economic Forum, overall, the number of graduates in STEM fields has increased significantly around the world due to economic demand and the perception that these fields are crucial for economic development. For example, countries such as India and China produce millions of STEM graduates each year, according to YaleGlobal.