Tests via the Web

"Technologies for Selling Your Tests"

London (UK), September 2009 - Professional associations, textbook companies, awarding bodies, and other test publishers can streamline individual and bulk sales of online quizzes and tests using a new solution from Questionmark, a provider of assessment technologies and services.

Questionmark is offering the new web-based service "Technologies for Selling Your Tests" as an optional enhancement to on-demand deployments of Questionmark™ Perception™, an assessment-management system that enables users to author, schedule, deliver, and report on tests, exams, quizzes, and surveys. The new service provides an ideal solution for test publishers interested in selling their tests to large institutions or for publishers wishing to make quizzes, diagnostic assessments, and other study aids available on a charge-per-use basis.

Tests and quizzes can be authored and saved to a repository using standard Questionmark Perception features. Content owners then use a browser-based application to define catalogue items for their assessments, along with desired pricing and access limitations. After purchasing test, participants receive access information via emails containing links to their tests. The assessment delivery, scoring, and reporting are all managed using Questionmark Perception's standard out-of-the-box functionality.

"Valid and reliable assessments are expensive to create and maintain, so test publishers rightfully expect a good return on their investments", commented Questionmark CEO Eric Shepherd. "'Technologies for Selling Your Tests' provides an easy, rapidly deployable, low-cost solution for content owners to profit from their tests through expanded reach and distribution, while still maintaining complete control and security of their intellectual property."

The solution can be tailored to enable consumer purchases via e-commerce or bulk purchase by large institutions. For example, an organisation might wish to purchase access to a certain test or group of tests and make them available to its employees, students, or members. The owner of the assessment content creates a catalogue entry with the desired assessments and agreed-upon access limitations. The purchasing organisation may then log in to schedule participants to take the tests and broadcast an email informing them of the available assessment and log-in details.

The solution utilises robust, scalable technology that enables easy assessment authoring and updating, with secure remote access to item banks for authors and reviewers. Sound, video, and other files can be incorporated into questions. The system also offers multilingual assessment delivery; a variety of feedback options; instant scoring; quick, accurate reporting; and in-depth statistical analysis. The solution can be customised to suit the requirements of any organisation.