Most Likes

Guinness World Records Marks Social Media Day

London (UK), July 2011 - On global Social Media Day - 30 June 2011 - Guinness World Records announced New Social Media Records for Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. These records include the most "likes" on a Facebook page, which totaled 47,194,601 and were achieved by the platform's own product page on 29 June 2011.

This achievement took the title away from Zynga's Texas Hold'em Poker page, which now stands in second place with 45.78 million likes. Rounding out the top five are the official pages for rapper Eminem (42.05 million likes), the video-sharing site YouTube (40.44 million likes), and pop artist Lady Gaga (39.49 million likes).

The most disliked video on YouTube is the musical offering "Baby" by Canada's Justin Bieber, with 1,490,076 "dislikes" as of 29 June 2011. This doubtful honor changed hands back to Bieber after the previous holder, Rebecca Black, had her music video "Friday" (which at one time had 2,583,179 "dislikes") removed from YouTube following a dispute with record label Ark Music Factory. "Baby" also holds the record for the most-viewed video online, having been watched 575,118,703 times on YouTube as of 29 June 2011.

Another new record is for the most content ingested by an online video service - an average of 70.49 hours per minute, achieved by Ustream. This average figure is based on a total of 37.05 million hours of content ingested by Ustream in the twelve-month period of June 2010 to May 2011. Peak content ingestion was in May 2011, with 3.721 million hours ingested, or 83.36 hours per minute. This is close to double that of YouTube, which announced that the site's users upload 48 hours of content per minute at its sixth birthday in May 2011 .

Commenting on these social media records, Dan Barrett, Guinness World Records community manager, says, "Social Media records are some of the most asked about by our fans and readers. Along with the world's tallest, smallest, and heaviest, record fans want to know who has the most comments on Facebook, followers on Twitter, or views on YouTube. These records are particularly interesting because people are immediately available to participate - it's very appealing to know that you can be a part of a world record just by "liking" a post on Facebook or watching a video on YouTube."

Barrett continues, "There's still a world of possibility in the social-media space for new records as services emerge and existing ones increase their penetration. There are a few landmark figures that will surely be passed in the next few years such as "Who will be the first Twitter user to amass 100 million followers?" and "Which Facebook page will be the first to reach 100 million likes?" Whoever it is, you can be sure that Guinness World Records will be there to recognise all of these milestone achievements."

Commenting on Ustream's world records, John Ham, CEO and Founder, says, "Achieving this Guinness World Record is an amazing milestone for Ustream. Much of our success has been procured by our dedicated broadcasters and viewers who enjoy sharing LIVE content with the world. As users broadcast more memorable moments on Ustream, we look forward to touching more lives and making more records."

Guinness World Records publishes the latest record-breaking news on its official Facebook page and Twitter. Anyone interested in attempting a record, whether social media related or not, can apply online via the Guinness World Records website.