Fit für die digitale Zukunft mit
Bochum, September 2018 - Die Weiterbildungsplattform geht an den Start und schließt ihre Series-A-Finanzierungsrunde über sechs Millionen Euro ab. Das Bochumer Start-up will die Wirtschaft von innen heraus für den digitalen Wandel fit machen. Video-Learning ist dabei das Mittel der Wahl für umfassenden Kulturwandel und Befähigung zum digitalen Handeln. Zu den erste Kunden zählen die Otto Group und Siemens.
» MEHRgomo Adds Powerful Learning Video Technologies
Brighton (UK), September 2018 - The gomo authoring and hosting suite adds several powerful new learning video technologies, including screen capture, automatic caption generation and translation, video recording, video upload, video editing, and video content management. » MORE
Transforming Training Delivery
Ilkley (UK), September 2018 - Two leading training providers, Premier Partnership and Virtual College, have forged an exciting new partnership to bring digital innovation to the learner experience. » MORE
"Digitaler Führerschein" für die Mitarbeiter der Kreissparkasse
Mayen/Andernach/Bad Soden, August 2018 - Die Digitalisierung stellt die Sparkassen vor umfangreiche Herausforderungen. Dieser branchenübergreifende Megatrend erfordert vor allen Dingen den Aufbau digitaler Fähigkeiten bei den Mitarbeitern, um auch unter schnelllebigen Bedingungen und einem stetig wachsenden virtuellen Umfeld, vertrauenswürdiger Ansprechpartner für die Kunden zu bleiben. Dies soll ein "digitaler Führerschein" als eLearning gewährleisten.
» MEHRNimble eLearning - Staying Agile
Gloucestershire (UK), July 2018 - Businesses must remain agile if they are to succeed. Steve Jobs defined this concept in his "5 Nevers”": Never give up. Never pretend. Never stand still. Never cling to the past. Never stop dreaming. Nimble follows a similar philosophy, which is reflected in the recent expansion of its teams.
» MOREWhy Do We Need to Reimagine Learning Now?
Southampton (UK), July 2018 - The business ecosystem is more volatile than ever, with increased competition, the drive for digital transformation, and an uncertain political environment. It's become even more vital that the learning and development organisation embraces the need for rapid change in terms of attracting, retaining, and developing its talent.
» MOREHow to Prepare Employees with Video Assessment
Toronto (CA), July 2018 - D2L and YouSeeU are combining forces for a series of training webinars designed to provide companies with the support necessary to develop skills critical to their success. Each session will showcase how to leverage D2L's learning platform and YouSeeU's Virtual Classroom and Video Assignments tools to engage employees and develop talent within the organisation.
Louise Pasterfield Shortlisted for PwC's UK Business Awards
Plymouth (UK), June 2018 - The head of digital learning company Sponge UK is in the running for a national business award, following a year that's seen the company expand its workforce, open two new offices, increase its turnover by 50%, and win awards for its innovative work.
4. (e)Learning Excellence Fachtagung von CONGENIUS
Lüneburg, Juli 2018 - (e)Learning Excellence - was ist das eigentlich? Wann ist eine Schulung, ein Training, eine Weiterbildung exzellent? Wenn die Teilnehmer begeistert sind oder wenn die Unternehmensleitung und das Management damit ihre Ziele erreichen – oder beides? Mit dieser Fragestellung beschäftigt sich die CONGENIUS Fachtagung am 18. September 2018 im Crowne Plaza in Hamburg.
Tracy Capaldi-Drewett Joins MicroLearn
Southampton (UK), June 2018 - Tracy Capaldi-Drewett has joined the MicroLearn team as Group Commercial Director at this exciting time to drive business development momentum.