New ELIG member

UKS Joins the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG)

Dubai (UAE), August 2008 - Universal Knowledge Solutions (UKS), a learning-solutions enabler from the Middle East, has become an affiliate member of the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG), an open consortium of leading providers in the field of innovative knowledge and learning solutions. A prominent goal of the cooperation is to collaborate in activating the same level of private-public partnership in the Middle East that is shaping the European learning-solution space.

"With UKS on board, ELIG can bring its leading edge experience to a new part of the world and can take back valuable regional experience into Europe, serving the ultimate objective of having the education industry develop on global scales and transcend geographic boundaries", said Fadi Abdul-Khalek, UKS Chief Executive Officer.

UKS is a member of several ELIG lead consortia and co-sponsors research and development plans. In addition, UKS and ELIG are working closely to promote the same level of private- public partnerships in the field of learning solutions in the Middle East as exists in Europe. Both organizations intend to further enhance such partnerships among government organizations, industry players, and academic and vocational institutions in order to develop medium- and long-term learning strategies that ultimately serve to benefit all.

"Innovation in learning is at the core of ELIG's mission. This year we have started to extend our reach into the Middle East and were looking for a leader in learning in the region. We are delighted to have UKS as the first member from the Gulf Region to join the European Learning Industry Group", says Dr. Richard Straub the Secretary General of ELIG.