Books24x7 goes Podcasting

Norwood (US), July 2006 - Valuable insights and practical knowhow from business leaders is provided by Books24x7 in the trendy form of podcasts. The online referenceware specialist has launched a free-of-charge audio series that includes excerpts from Books24x7's ExecBlueprints Referenceware collection.

Aimed at senior executives and business managers, the series will examine best practice and offer practical hints and tips on a variety of critical business issues. Each podcast can be downloaded manually or automatically to a laptop, CD, iPod, or other portable device.

Initial topics will include:

  • Establishing a strategic vision for your company
  • Technologies that will impact on your company in the next twelve months
  • HR best practices: retirement services.

The second podcast features Andy Mulholland, global chief of technology at Capgemini and ExecBlueprints author. Commenting on the collection, he said: "ExecBlueprints is a valuable tool for business professionals looking to gain insight and practical knowledge from their peers. I enjoyed contributing my own experiences to the collection and am excited that excerpts are now available in an audio format. The podcasts are an easy and innovative way to learn on the go."

Kay Baldwin-Evans, vice-president of research at Books24x7's parent company, SkillSoft, added:

"The podcast series embodies our commitment to using technology to enable on-demand knowledge gathering on the issues faced by senior managers on a daily basis. Hearing about the experiences and successes of one's peers is a highly effective way to provoke thought and discussion. It provides executives with additional data to help them determine what might work within their own organisations."