
Blended Delivery of Assessments

London (UK), October 2007 - Questionmark has unveiled the newest version of the Questionmark™ Perception™ assessment management system. The release offers new blended delivery options, streamlined integration with other systems, enhanced reporting, and test analytics that help organisations produce legally defensible tests.

The new version of Questionmark Perception extends the benefits of online assessments to offline participants through Questionmark to Go, which allows participants to download assessments to their PCs and take them while offline. They can receive instant results and feedback on assessments, even without an Internet connection. Questionmark to Go automatically uploads a participant's results to the server for reporting once the participant is back online. Another new delivery option enables distribution of assessments via email, CD, or USB thumb-drives, providing an ideal solution for wide distribution of stand-alone learning exercises or diagnostic quizzes.

The new features round out Questionmark's comprehensive array of survey, quiz, test, and exam delivery options, which also include delivery via various means: standard web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari; Questionmark Secure, a secure browser that locks down a test-taker's PC during a high-stakes exam; handheld devices such as PDAs and smart phones; and paper-based forms that can be scanned in for scoring and reporting.

Other new features in the new release of Questionmark Perception include:

  • A new Test Analysis report, which helps administrators ensure the defensibility of test outcomes by providing detailed information regarding statistical/psychometric performance, including the reliability of an assessment;
  • Open Authoring, which simplifies -œcontent harvesting- by enabling subject matter experts (SMEs) or other -œpart-time- authors to enter questions directly into an item bank using a simple, browser-based interface;
  • A new Coaching Report that helps instructors provide one-on-one feedback, guide learning, and remediate knowledge gaps. This highly customisable report includes new analysis tools, can be batch-processed for multiple tests and participants, and can be distributed via browsers, PDF, Word, Excel or print.
  • Publish to LMS, a wizard-based tool, makes it possible to launch and track assessments in Perception via third-party learning management systems compliant with AICC, IMS, SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004. This feature also supports PENS (Package Exchange Notification Services), a new interoperability standard created to enable "single-click" publishing of LMS-ready content.