Cultural Awareness

LINE Wins Major Institute of IT Training Award

London (UK), February 2008 - LINE Communications, provider of learning and communications solutions, has won a major UK award for one of its bespoke online learning programmes. At a ceremony held at the Dorchester Hotel in London, LINE collected the Institute of IT Training gold award for eLearning Project of the Year for the cultural awareness training programme the company developed for the British Ministry of Defence (MOD). The programme is a key element of the pre-deployment training that service personnel undertake prior to active duty in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The materials comprise a highly interactive, scenario-based eLearning programme and a Commander's briefing pack with accompanying visuals for use where the training is delivered face to face.

The awarding judges were particularly "impressed with the programme's completely user-centred approach and its excellent embedded use of video diaries".

The programme was so successful in the UK that the MOD released the materials for use amongst other NATO allies. Around 35,000 troops have used the learning materials to date.

Major Chris Edwards (MOD) commented, "LINE has, without doubt, met the immediate and long-term needs of the Army with this Cultural Awareness training programme. Through imaginative and highly interactive screens, a soldier is able to grasp both the theoretical concepts and practical applicability in a very short time. Through the use of this programme, force protection has been enhanced and, furthermore, rapport with the local communities has been gained much quicker than would have been possible otherwise.

The programme's innovative development means that future deployments to other geographic locations can be created quickly and with the assurance that they will meet the specific cultural demands of the new locations."

Keith Downes, Director of LINE, who has strategic responsibility for the MOD said, "This is a proud moment for LINE and fitting recognition of the passion and commitment of the teams both at LINE and within the MOD to create a truly outstanding learning programme".

This is the second major award for the programme. In September 2007 it won the coveted Brandon Hall gold award for Excellence in Learning against strong international competition.