
IMC AG expands activities in Asia

Saarbruecken/Frankfurt (GER), April 2008 - The "German-Asian Business Community" and the "Vietnamese Chamber of Commerce" have invited representatives to a forum entitled "Discover Vietnam - Business opportunities in the 21st century". In the presence of the Prime Minister of Vietnam, Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung, and the Hessian Minister for Arts and Sciences, Mr. Udo Corts, several agreements were signed between German and Vietnamese companies.

For example, Dr. Wolfgang Kraemer, CEO of IMC AG, signed a "Memorandum of Understanding" with the Vietnamese company QuocAnh IEC, presented by its CEO, Hannah Dao. The Memorandum is aimed at deepening cooperation in the field of learning technologies. Both companies have committed themselves to making a contribution to the further development of Vietnam, especially by systematically fostering learning technologies at Vietnamese universities. Furthermore, they agreed to support the exchange of know-how and knowledge between German and Vietnamese universities.

Within this cooperation, IMC AG will encourage German universities toward deeper cooperation with their Vietnamese counterparts and serve as a promoter for innovative role models at universities. Products of IMC AG, such as the learning management system CLIX and the rapid authoring tool LECTURNITY, will be used as effective means of managing the exchange of knowledge and content.

The Prime Minister of Vietnam was accompanied by three of his ministers: the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Pham Gia Khiem, the Minister for Planning and Investment, Mr. Vo Hong Phuc, and the Minister of Industry and Trade, Mr. Hanel Vu Huy Hoang. They were accompanied by a delegation of seventy business representatives from Vietnam. "With this engagement in Vietnam, we will expand the internationalisation of IMC in Asia", explained CEO Dr. Wolfgang Kraemer. In Europe, more than 150 universities are already using the products of IMC AG.