

Young Workers Demand More from Employers

London (UK), July 2024 - A new Workforce Readiness report from Cornerstone, in partnership with Lighthouse Research, has uncovered a concerning lack of confidence among UK employees. Nearly half (45%) of those queried said they do not think they have the right support and resources to adapt to changing work conditions.


Insights Media

Report Reveals Who Is Influencing L&D's Thinking

Bath (UK), May 2024 - A recent report identifies key influencers in corporate learning and development, highlighting the prominence of colleagues and peers in shaping strategies and the need for high-quality, unbiased insights in the face of increasing AI-driven content.



How Skills Intelligence Drives Business Performance

Raleigh, NC (USA), May 2024 - In our rapidly changing world, the traditional approach to skill development - based on role and hierarchy - must evolve. The key to driving business performance is a skills-based talent strategy, but changing your talent strategy isn't easy.


Hemsley Fraser Report

Managed Learning Services Grow in Scope

London (UK), March 2024 - A new report from Hemsley Fraser has found that UK and global companies are starting to use managed learning services providers in a more strategic advisory role, alongside outsourced L&D programme provision, as they build resilience to meet changing learning, upskilling, and talent management needs. The study, called "Industry Report: the Evolution of Managed Learning", also revealed that most organisations plan to expand their use of outsourcing over the next 12-18 months as they require "more with less".


EDEH Mentorship Programme

Sign Up for a Free Personalised Mentorship on Digital Education

Brussel (BE), March 2024 - The European Digital Education Hub offers the opportunity to participate in a digital education mentorship specifically focused on your personal area of interest, goals, or actions. Mentorships are organised in three sessions of two hours each. Mentors are high-level European experts in the field of digital education who will be matched with you based on individual needs.



iSpring's Research Illuminates the State of Online Corporate Training

Alexandria, VA (USA), February, 2024 - iSpring Solutions Inc., a leading eLearning software and service company based in the U.S., has released its comprehensive research findings on the current state of online corporate training. The research sheds light on crucial aspects of corporate training, such as training goals, content creation, employee motivation, measurement of training effectiveness, and formulation of training budgets, thus offering valuable insights for CEOs, HR professionals, and Learning and Development (L&D) specialists.


The LPI Learning Survey

A Snapshot of a Profession Undergoing Rapid Change

London (UK), February 2024 - The world of L&D is undergoing a seismic shift. Recent advances, AI in particular, are causing people to question what the future might look like. Everything's moving fast, so there’s a need to accelerate learning just as quickly.


An International Comparison

(Open) Educational Resources around the World

Oslo (NO), November 2023 - The book (Open) Educational Resources around the World is a collection of the full country reports and working papers created by the COER members from the countries that were included in the study, which was undertaken in the context of research project EduArc on Distributed Learning Infrastructures for OER and Digital Learning Content in Higher Education.