ELearning-Lehrgang "Natura-2000-Manager:in“ positiv evaluiert
Erfurt, Oktober 2023 - Auch der Naturschutz leidet unter akutem Fachkräftemangel. Dem will der BUND Thüringen gemeinsam mit der Fachhochschule Erfurt mit einem eLearning-Projekt entgegen wirken. Im November 2022 startete der eLearning-Lehrgang "Natura-2000-Manager:in" in die Testphase. Nun liegen erste Evaluationsergebnisse vor, die dem Lehrgang eine sehr hohe Qualität bescheinigen. Der BUND Thüringen sieht sich darin bestätigt, eine Ausbildungslücke im Naturschutz zu schließen.
Kineo Guide Outlines Seven Smart Data Approaches for Learning
London (UK), June 2022 - Are you wondering what data you should be collecting, how it will inform design decisions, and how it can help prove learning impact? In a new eBook, Kineo proposes seven approaches to learning analytics. The irony of data being almost immeasurable when it comes to proving the impact of your L&D is not something that's lost on Kineo. The secret to getting the most out of your data is being able to prove and measure what value has been added.
eCom Scotland's Solutions to the Assessment Challenges of the 2020s
Dunfermline (SCT), May 2021 - "Advancing Observational Assessment and Evaluation in the Workforce" was the subject of learning technologies specialist Emma Dickson's presentation to the international seminar "Assessment Challenges of Our New Decade", organised by Beyond Multiple Choice (BMC) and held on 21 April.
» MOREWorld of Learning Conference and Exhibition 2019
Birmingham (UK), May 2019 - Learning and development (L&D) best practice, thought leadership, and the latest learning technology are to be shared at Birmingham’s NEC, 15-16 October.
» MOREBest Game Based Solution at Learning Solutions 2019 DemoFest
Atlanta (USA), April 2019 - LEO Learning and Godiva won the Best Game Based Solution during DemoFest at the Learning Solutions 2019 Conference. The honor recognizes the Godiva multi-level learning game "Chocolate Quest: Guardians of the Cocoa Bean", which uses scenarios, microlearning, and character interactions to help players experience a direct relationship between knowledge, customer experience, and sales.
Evaluating eLearning to Demonstrate ROI
Brighton (UK), March 2019 - Evaluating eLearning isn’t complicated or scary, and it doesn’t require long processes like the Kirkpatrick model. There are many easier and more modern ways to measure success and show the return on investment of your online learning strategy to business leaders.
International Conference on Higher Education Advances
Valencia (E), December 2018 - After the great success of the previous HEAd conferences, which received submissions from more than 50 countries, the organizers are pleased to announce the Fifth International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'19), which will be held 26-28 June 2019 at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV).
» MOREGameDays 2018 an der TU Darmstadt
Darmstadt, Juni 2018 - Am 8. Juni 2018 wird im Rahmen des 14. "Science meets Business"- Workshops an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt das Serious Games Information Center eröffnet und freigeschaltet. Am 9. Juni können alle Interessierte im Rahmen der GameDays an Stationen in der Darmstädter Innenstadt "Serious Games" ausprobieren und Geschick, Fitness und Intelligenz beweisen.
International Conference on Higher Education Advances
Valencia (E), February 2018 - After the great success of the previous HEAd conferences, which received submissions from 51 countries, the organisers are pleased to announce the Fourth International Conference on "Higher Education Advances" (HEAd'18). This conference is an excellent forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences, opinions, and research results relating to the preparation of students, teaching/learning methodologies, and the organization of educational systems.
» MOREGuidebook Reveals the Secret to Successful Training Evaluation
Windsor (UK), January 2018 - Learner engagement experts Growth Engineering have released a brand new guidebook titled "How to Win Your Training Budget: The Complete Guide to Training Evaluation". The guidebook is a comprehensive handbook to training evaluation. It includes everything readers need in order to assess return on investment (ROI) and secure a strong training budget.