Machine Learning
mLearn 2018 Issues a Call For Papers and Presentations
Chicago, IL (USA), March 2018 - Are you doing research in a mobilized learning field? Do you have a case study of pedagogical or technological innovation for mobilized teaching and learning to share? The organizing committee for the 17th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2018) hopes you’ll rise to the challenge and answer the call for papers and presentations!
Curation is Key for Workplace Learning
Saratoga Springs, NY (USA), December 2017 - Curation is needed by corporations and learners as they cope with a growing avalanche of digital content and collaboration. Elliott Masie has announced dates for the Curation and Learning LAB, to be held at The MASIE Center, which is in Saratoga Springs, NY, 30 January-01 February 2018.
New Suite Measures and Verifies Skills
Farmington, UT (USA), November 2017 - Pluralsight, an enterprise technology learning platform, has announced a new skills assessment and development suite that replaces traditional methods for assessing and benchmarking technology talent. The new suite, which includes Pluralsight IQ, advanced skills analytics, and advanced channels analytics, is designed to provide technology professionals and leaders with a fast, accurate, and affordable way to measure technology skills. The new suite uses machine learning and modern testing theory to significantly reduce the amount of time and cost usually dedicated to validating technology skills.
» MOREDenklabor für Porsche in Berlin
Berlin, September 2017 - Porsche geht mit seinem eigenen Digital Lab den nächsten Schritt in Richtung digitale Transformation. Der Stuttgarter Sportwagenhersteller hat das Labor in Berlin im letzten Herbst bezogen. Dort werden innovative Informationstechnologien identifiziert und erprobt.
» MEHRdatango auf dem DSAG-Jahreskongress 2017
Kaarst, September 2017 – Die Digitale Transformation erfordert neue Formen der Weiterbildung und Mitarbeiterqualifizierung in Unternehmen. Die PARIS AG zeigt vom 26. bis 28. September auf dem DSAG-Jahreskongress in Bremen neue Wege der Mitarbeiterschulung, Prozess-Analytics und -unterstützung. Hierüber informieren können sich die Besucher sowohl am Stand D17 als auch in einem Vortrag unter dem Titel "Mein Bot und ich – Digitales Lernen, Arbeiten und Leben".
» MEHRThree SAP Innovations at Hannover Messe 2017
Walldorf (GER), April 2017 - Machine learning, autonomous agents, and engineer-to-order processes with 3D printing will feature prominently in SAP’s Open Integrated Factory at the Hannover Messe 2017. Away from mass production to ever smaller quantities and more individualized, increasingly autonomous manufacturing — these are the aims of the Open Integrated Factory, which SAP is demonstrating in a showcase at this year’s Hannover Messe.
» MOREMachine Learning in Healthcare: Now for Everyone
Salt Lake City, UT (USA), February 2017 - Machine learning is a part of everyday life for most Americans, from navigation apps to Amazon's omniscient purchase recommendations. But in healthcare, the use of machine learning has so far been limited to niche science projects in large and academic health systems - those able to afford the highly skilled data scientists and dedicated teams required to turn their data into meaningful performance improvements.
» MOREWenn Super Mario der Personalentwicklung hilft
Düsseldorf, Januar 2017 - Im vergangenen Jahr informierte die IDC-Studie Future People über die Aspekte der Arbeitswelt von morgen. Im Zuge der LEARNTEC 2017 hat der HR-Experte Cornerstone OnDemand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem IDC-Institut nun ein Smartpaper zum Thema Learning und Development entwickelt, das auf der Messe in Karlsruhe vorgestellt wird.