Hybrid Work
Nearly Fifty Free-Access Workshops and Conferences at Palexpo
Geneva (CH), April 2023 - On 31 May and 01 June, a new event will be launched at Palexpo on the digital transformations in the world of work and training in French-speaking Switzerland: The Future of Work and Learning Event.
Hybrid Work-Ansätze müssen sich weiterentwickeln
Michigan/Berlin, März 2023 - Die Umstellung auf Hybrid-Work-Modelle hat den Arbeitsalltag in vielen Unternehmen interaktiver, effizienter und digitaler gemacht. Inzwischen werden jedoch auch die Grenzen und Herausforderungen solcher Modelle zunehmend relevant: Zoom Fatigue und Proximity Bias beispielsweise sind in diesem Zusammenhang reale und belegte Phänomene. In einer Zeit, in der wirtschaftliche Unsicherheit auf einen eklatanten Fachkräftemangel in fast allen Branchen trifft, kann das zu einem erheblichen Problem für Unternehmen werden.
Is Your Leadership Team Prepared for The Hybrid Work Era?
Toronto (CA), November 2022 - To be effective in a hybrid world means dealing with transformative change and building engaged, collaborative teams. However, most organizations lack the skills to effectively deal with these challenges.
» MOREIs the Technology Sector a Victim of Its Own Success?
Plymouth (UK), July 2022 - In the fourth of five post-Learning Technologies insights reports, Sponge explores the three key insights for L&D practitioners working in the tech sector to consider.
» MOREStoryTagger Extends Reach of Employee Storytelling
Brighton (UK), May 2022 - A story first video platform gives organisations the power to unlock vital tacit knowledge and learning experiences on desktop or mobile.
» MOREUdemy and Betterworks Blend Learning and Performance
New York, NY (USA), February 2021 - Betterworks, a leading strategy execution enterprise software company, has announced a progressive new approach to employee development by integrating its OKR platform with Udemy for Business, a world-class enterprise learning platform powered by Udemy, one of the world's largest global marketplaces for learning and teaching online.