Going Visual

Learning Nexus Launches New Video Newsletter

London (UK), April 2012 - Learning Nexus, an online learning specialist in the UK, has launched a new video newsletter that will be sent to all customers and subscribers on a monthly basis.

Sometimes there is no substitute for words on a page: novels full of beautifully formed letters linked into intricate patterns that send a familiar message to the brain to formulate a cognitive response. However, in today's fast-paced, information-on-demand society, reading unnecessary words on a page can sometimes seem like a tedious waste of time.

Learning Nexus has thus introduced a video newsletter that gives customers a monthly roundup of everything that has been happening at the Learning Nexus headquarters.

The team are constantly updating product functionality, converting old off-the-shelf courses with updated legislation and content, and striving to showcase good practice from other users. Learning Nexus now delivers its news to customers and subscribers through the means of a visually stimulating and creative video.