Learning Analytics
Problem-Based Learning and Learning Analytics
Herleen (NL), October 2018 - The online course and online community PBLLA18 is now open! "We are eager to discuss how problem-based learning and learning analytics can improve our future lifelong learning", says Dr. Christian M. Stracke from the Open University of the Netherlands. Together with his colleague Dr. Olga Firssova, he designed this new learning experience - PBLLA18 - for the European PBL 3.0 consortium.
International Conference on eLearning in the Workplace
New York, NY (USA), September 2018 - ICELW 2019, the twelfth annual international conference on eLearning in the workplace, will be held at Columbia University in New York, 12-14 June 2019. The ICELW 2019 Call for Proposals is now open, and the deadline is 16 December 2018. » MORE
Moodle DACH Konferenz und Moodle DevCamp
Zürich, Mai 2018 - Vom 18. bis zum 20. Juni 2018 finden die Moodle DACH Konferenz und das Moodle DevCamp statt. Die Moodle DACH ist eine Dreiländer-Konferenz im BarCamp-Format mit Fokus auf Moodle und findet an der ETH Zürich in der Schweiz statt.
IMS Global Learning Announces Caliper Analytics v1.1
Lake Mary, FL (USA), February 2018 — IMS Global Learning Consortium, a leading non-profit collaborative that advances edtech interoperability, innovation, and learning impact, has announced the availability of Caliper Analytics®v1.1, a substantial upgrade to the leading interoperability standard for learning data.
» MOREInternational Conference on eLearning in the Workplace
New York, NY (USA), December 2017 - ICELW 2018, the eleventh annual International Conference on eLearning in the Workplace, will be held 13-15 June 2018 at Columbia University in New York. The ICELW 2018 Call for Proposals is currently open; the deadline is 15 December 2017.
» MORExAPI als Bindeglied im vernetzten Learning Ecosystem
Stuttgart, Dezember 2017 - Neue Technologien, moderne Endgeräte und ein ständig verfügbares Internet: All dies ändert die Art und Weise wie wir arbeiten, miteinander kommunizieren und – wie wir lernen. Für die berufliche Weiterbildung zum Beispiel bedeutet die digitale Transformation einen Paradigmenwechsel. Zwar sind digital gestützte Schulungen und Seminare bereits heute an der Tagesordnung, doch sind die Möglichkeiten des eLearnings in seiner jetzigen Form noch längst nicht ausgeschöpft.
Helping Learners Sense Factors Influencing Their Success
Berlin / Saarbrücken (GER), December 2017 - LISA, short for Learning Analytics for Sensor-Based Adaptive Learning, is a project whose focus is delivering learning analytics for the benefit of the individual learner, not - as in previous approaches - for the educational organisation. The idea is that when individuals can see the role of their own behaviour plays in the learning process and receive personalized recommendations about it, they will be in a position to organize their personal learning processes better and improve their success.
» MOREStudienerfolg und Learning Analytics
Berlin, November 2017 - Ein Webinar zum Thema "Studienerfolg und Learning Analytics – Datenbasiertes Studienerfolgsmanagement mit Brightspace" bietet die CHE Consult GmbH am 30. November 2017 um 14 Uhr an. Geleitet wird es von Dr. Christian Berthold (Geschäftsführer CHE Consult) und Michael Moore (D2L Senior Advisory Consultant).
» MEHRWhich Path Will Learning Analytics Take?
Copenhagen (DK), November 2017 - Learning analytics is about collecting, measuring, analysing, and using data related to students’ online behaviour. The focus in conventional learning analytics is often on the "what" - a quantitative measurement of learner performance. Session DAT40, 07 December from 16.30 to 17:30, will make the case for an alternative, supplementary method that focuses on the "how" - a more qualitative measurement of the learning process of the student. Henrik Køhler Simonsen, PhD, MA, MBA, and Senior Consultant at Smartlearning, Denmark will take part in the discussion.
Turning Big Data into an Advantage
London (UK), September 2017 - A new "LEO insight" demonstrates the need for a big-data approach to measuring business impact; another reveals how to set a successful and sustainable measuring strategy.